

This subcamp was located at the Donnersmarck mill in Zabrze, which was owned by Vereinigte Oberschlesische Hüttenwerke AG. In August 1944, around 350 female prisoners, most of them Polish Jews, arrived at the site and were accommodated in wooden barracks surrounded by an electric barbed wire fence. This was supplemented by four guard towers. A later arrival, of around 70 Czech Jewish men, occurred in October. These prisoners were held in separate barracks. The camp was commanded by Unterscharführer Adolf Taube and garrisoned by SS guards assisted by around a dozen Wehrmacht soldiers. The female prisoners were put to work producing ammunition, while the men worked as janitors. In January 1945, the camp was evacuated, the women being taken to Gross-Rosen and the men to Buchenwald.

Entrance gate to the subcamp

Barrack hut

Another barrack hut

Fence posts marking the perimeter

The perimeter fence

Former Concordia mine


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